Well, Books and Resources Actually…

“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance” - Unknown

I read, build things, and take online courses. A lot.

So much so, that people will often come to me asking for the best technical resources I’m aware of in different areas. To me, the benefit of possibly gaining just one small insight from a book is easily worth the price. Below are some of the resources I recommend (with comments). This is a work in progress - I add things when I remember to, but you can consider it largely incomplete for now.

System Design

Actually building systems is easily the most helpful thing to learning system design.

Bayesian Stats / Modelling


The field of finance is quite large. These are some of the less technical books that I’ve enjoyed.

Some of the “classics”

Math (Linear Algebra Mostly)

Machine Learning

Deep Learning

I’ve skimmed a few deep learning books and nothing has caught my eye - the field is just moving too fast right now and the understanding of how even the basics work is changing.

  • Fast.ai
  • Twitter
  • Read papers



  • High Performance Python I haven’t looked at too many Python books in the past few years, but this one has stuck out as a good one. The second edition is also being released sometime in 2020.

Big Data

CS + Other Software


Algos and Data Structures